kingdom Monera includes the most ancient,the smallest, the simplest and the most abundant micro-organism. These organism are most primitive. They were the first inhabitants of the earth,and they still continue to flourish. Bacteria are the sole of this kingdom. They occur almost everywhere. Hundreds of bacteria are present in a handful of soil. They also live in extreme habitats such hot springs, deserts, snow and deep oceans where very  few other life forms can survive. Many of them live in or on other organism as parasites.
(1) They are unicellular, colonials or filamentous, prokaryotic organism without nuclear membrane, nucleolus, chromatin and histone protiens.
(2) Nucleoid or incipient nucleus is composed of naked DNA,RNA and non-histone protiens. DNA is circular and double stranded.
(3) Cell wall is made up of peptidoglycon(amino acids + sugar) except in archaebacteria and mycoplasma.
(4) Membrane bound cell organelles are absent.
(5) Ribosomes are of 70S type.
(6)Some of the bacteria are autotropics but vast majority are heterotropic.
(7) Respiratory enzymes are found associated with plasma membrane.
(8) Reproduction is asexual type.
(9) Bacteria show both autotropics and heterotropics nutrition. Autotropics nutrition involves  synthesis of organic material from inorganic substsance with help of light energy (photosynthetic autotrophic) or chemical energy ( chemosynthetic autotropic ). Majority of them show heterotropic nutrition which involves the obtaining of readymade organic nutrition from outside sources. It is of three types - saprotrophic, symbiotic and parasitic.
